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The first mural appeared in Chervonograd

“I and you” is the name of the mural created on the wall of Chervonograd Gymnasium No. 3 by artist Oleksandr Korban and producer Yulia Ostrovska. The purpose of this artistic mural is to draw attention to the problems of overcoming domestic violence, child abuse, combating human trafficking and protecting women’s rights.

The name for the mural was proposed by the students of the gymnasium, and out of 86 names, the four best were selected: “I choose light” (author – Marta Patsula), “Letter of Hope” (Kateryna Duda) and “Light of Children’s Indomitability” (Voladymyr Khimko). The victory was won by the title “I and you”, authorship of the director of the gymnasium library Svitlana Shvets, which was chosen by the mural artist Oleksandr Korban.

The creation of the mural took place within the framework of the implementation of the project “Psychosocial support of internally displaced persons from regions of Ukraine affected by the Russian-Ukrainian war” implemented by public organizations NGO Bridge 3.10 from Luhansk Oblast and NGO “Do You” from Lviv Oblast in partnership with the Chervonograd City Council for financial support of the Federal Government of Germany.

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