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The EU will allocate 19.5 million euros to Lviv for the construction of social housing for internally displaced persons with special needs

Displaced persons with special needs from all over Ukraine who suffered from war and need long-term rehabilitation will temporarily live in social housing. The EU will allocate 19.5 million euros for the construction of social housing in Lviv. The construction of two 8-story buildings next to the NEZLAMNI social rehabilitation center is planned to be completed by the beginning of winter 2023.

The relevant Grant Agreement was signed between the European Commission and the Lviv City Council today, December 19, in Brussels.

“Saint Nicholas this year was generous to Ukrainians who especially need it.

The European Commission will allocate 19.5 million euros for the construction of social housing in Lviv for Ukrainians affected by the war. Such an agreement was just signed with Kateryna Maternova, who heads the support group for Ukraine in the EU.

For the first time, the European Commission allocates such a large amount specifically to the city. This grant is another good sign of solidarity with Ukraine and the Ukrainian people.

We thank our European partners and the entire team of Ms. Maternova’s office for their support and trust!” – said the mayor of Lviv Andriy Sadovy.

“The EU will provide significant support for the construction of housing for internally displaced persons leaving war-affected regions. Together, we will build a new level of the NEZLAMNI program in Lviv to support the rehabilitation of victims of the Russian war,” said Kateryna Maternova, Deputy General Director for Neighborhood Policy and EU Enlargement, Head of the Ukraine Support Group.

For its part, the city must allocate a plot of land for social housing, connect all communications there, and arrange landscaping, including a bomb shelter.

On December 23, the international architectural competition for the construction of this house ends. Architects must offer a high-quality project that can be quickly implemented, because this is a program of emergency measures that must be implemented as quickly as possible.

This grant agreement was signed as part of the EU’s emergency aid for the first priority of overcoming the consequences of Russian aggression in Ukraine.

Lviv City Council: chastyny-prohramy-nezlamni-dlia-vnutrishno-peremishchenykh-osib-z-osoblyvymy-potrebamy

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