On April 20, the weather will be determined by the southeastern periphery of the anticyclone centered over the Norwegian Sea.
Forecasters warn about meteorological phenomena of I-III levels of danger.
Yes, on the territory of the Lviv region: on April 20, at night and in the morning, there will be fog with a visibility of 200-500 m, in some places frosts of 0-2° on the surface of the soil.
In the city of Lviv: fog with a visibility of 200-500 m at night and in the morning on April 20.
(I level of danger, yellow)
In the Lviv region: Cloudy with clearings. Light rain at night, no significant precipitation during the day. Fog at night and in the morning. The wind is northeast, 7-12 m/s. The temperature at night is 2 – 7° warm, in some places frosts on the surface of the soil are 0 – 2°; 11-16° temperature during the day.
Around the city of Lviv: Cloudy with clearings. Light rain at night, no significant precipitation during the day. Fog at night and in the morning. The wind is northeast, 7-12 m/s. The temperature at night is 4-6°C, during the day 13-15°C.
Deterioration of visibility in the rain, in fog 200 – 500 m.