Only two participants wrote the Radio dictation of national unity in 2023 without a single mistake – a teacher of Ukrainian language and literature from the Volyn region, Galina Shura, and a resident of Lviv, a regular participant of the radio dictation, Khrystyna Hoyanyuk.
The results of the radio dictation were announced on Tuesday, December 5, Suspilne reported.
According to the results published by Ukrainian Radio, five people wrote a radio dictation with one mistake. Among them: Olesia Zhu (Olesia Zhu was the name of the e-mail), Evgenia Antoniuk, Viktoriya Norichka, Ivanna Ruban and Yulia Shevchenko. They will also receive gifts.
Almost 20,000 people sent their work for review, including 3,000 in paper format. However, the actual number of participants is higher, because not everyone sent their dictations for verification. Letters came from 39 countries.
“It’s also interesting that there was one letter from Moscow this year that didn’t win. The geography of the letters this year, as always, is global: of course, the most letters are from Ukraine, there are many from Europe, as well as from all continents and dozens of countries,” said Yulia Sheludko, executive producer of Ukrainian Radio, coordinator of the National Unity Radio Dictator.
The oldest dictation participant was a 90-year-old blind woman. A neighbor who helps with the household helped her with dictation. The commission that inspected the works included seven experts. Their names have not been released. The head of the commission was Olena Masalitina. The most common mistake was the use of a comma instead of a colon at the border of the parts of a non-conjunctive sentence.
All-Ukrainian radio dictation of national unity was started by the Ukrainian Radio team in 2000 for unity around language. Since then, it has been held every year and has already become the largest Ukrainian-language flash mob that unites Ukrainians and connoisseurs of the Ukrainian language all over the world.
The dictation takes place on the Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language, also the day of memory of Nestor the Chronicler (previously it was November 9, and from 2023, due to the reform of the church calendar, it will be October 27). The results will be announced in December.