Site icon Voice of Sokal – news about Sokal, Chervonohrad

Through the flu deyakі navchalni lay the foundation of the Chervonohrad community to go to remote training

In case of an increase in illnesses for influenza and acute viral infections among schoolchildren, from 21 to 23 leaf fall, switch to a remote form of training:

🔹Chervonograd gymnasium No. 1,3,5,8,10;

🔹 Gymnasium named after the homeland of the Lugovskys,

🔹Sosnіvskiy NVK № 13,

🔹Sosnіvska zagalnosvitnya school №7,

🔹Gіrnytska gymnasium

🔹Primary-Vikhovna Complexes of Boryatina and Ostrov

🔹zagalnosvіtnі school sіl Volsvin and Sіlets.

They told about it at the Chervonohrad city council.

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