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The educational hub of the Lviv region invites you to online and offline events: a list of events for this week

All events are free, registration is required for participation.

We remind you that the Educational Hub organizes online and offline training. First of all, the project was created for internally displaced persons, but anyone who wants to can become a participant and study. All offline events are held at the address of the Educational Hub of the region in Lviv: str. Ivan Ohienko, bldg. 18A, Lviv Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, room 406.

Schedule of offline events for this week:

22.11. “Active listening as a technique of effective communication. How to hear complex messages” (15:30-18:00). Sign up via the link.
22.11. Evening art therapy group for adults (18:30-20:30). The group is formed.
23.11. English Speaking Club (intermediate level) (17:00 – 18:00). Sign up via the link.
24.11. Training program “Children and war. Teaching healing techniques” (10:00 – 12:00). The group is formed.
25.11. Children’s attraction (15.30-17.00). Sign up via the link. (More information about the event on the channel).
25.11. Movie night in the OHL: the film “The King Speaks” will be followed by a discussion (18.30-20.30). Sign up via the link.
26.11. Qigong – breathing practices and exercises for beginners (10:00 – 12:00). Sign up via the link.
26.11. Conversation club of the Ukrainian language (13.00-14.30). Sign up via the link.
26.11. Children’s attraction (15.30-18.00). Sign up via the link. (More information about the event on the channel).

Online events from the Ukrainian Educational Hub for this week:

22.11. 18:00 – Lecture with the famous psycholinguist Vitaly Zubkov on improving the study of foreign languages. Sign up via the link.
22.11. 19:00 – “Art of self-presentation” cycle. Topic “Self-presentation at an interview. Steps to success”. Sign up via the link.
23.11. 19:00 – Soft skills master class. Topic: “Life as a project”. Register using the link.
24.11. 18:00 – Lecture with the famous psycholinguist Vitaly Zubkov on improving the study of foreign languages. Sign up via the link.

Follow the changes on the TG channel.

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