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The first robotics championship “Robosumo League Lviv” was held in Lviv

Yesterday, April 24, the Robo Sumo Lviv 2024 championship took place. Almost 100 students from 21 schools of the city took part in the competition, which took place at IT Step Academy (83a Zamarstynivska St.).

The finalist teams received cups and funds to purchase robotics equipment for their schools.

“First of all, over the past 5 months, teams of students together with their mentors have been designing robots on their own. For robots weighing 2 kg, the students used only plastic parts that were modeled and printed on a 3D printer. Then the students wrote the project code and created a mobile application for remote control of the robots in the arena.

And yesterday, April 24, the long-awaited Robosumo Lviv competition took place. It was a tense struggle, divided into three tournaments so that each school could compete with all the rivals,” the city education department said.

As a result, 4 teams made it to the finals:

Lyceum №46 named after Vyacheslav Chornovil of the Lviv City Council
Secondary school No. 31 of the city of Lviv. Lviv
Secondary school of I-III degrees №55 of Lviv. Lviv


Thus, after fierce battles, IT STEP SCHOOL became the winner of the robotics competition and received the cup and the Grand Prix of the championship. The second place went to Lyceum #46 named after Vyacheslav Chornovil of the Lviv City Council, which received 15 thousand hryvnias in prize money to purchase robotics equipment. The third place went to Secondary School No. 31 in Lviv. Lviv. It received a prize of UAH 12 thousand to purchase robotics equipment.

The fourth place and a prize of UAH 10 thousand went to Secondary School No. 55 in Lviv. Lviv.

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