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Instead of Juvenile Justice: national-patriotic and physical education of schoolchildren and preschoolers discussed in Lviv

The Department of Education of the Lviv City Council held a large-scale strategic planning session to discuss the development of national-patriotic and physical education in educational institutions of the Lviv community with experts from various fields.

The event brought together more than 60 representatives of various spheres of Lviv to develop an algorithm of actions for patriotic and physical education among preschoolers and students.

The strategic session discussed the problems in the education system, certain outdated practices in education and the need to update them, the demands of society today, and in general, what kind of youth it is important to see today – from preschool to high school.

The event also featured two panel discussions (“The current demand of time and society for a patriotic, educated and healthy citizen” and “The response of the education system to this demand”), during which they discussed the importance of implementing such practices in the educational environment. Subsequently, the participants worked in groups to develop actions that should be implemented on the way to achieving their goals.

The event was moderated by Pavlo Sheremeta, a management expert, founder of the Kyiv Mohyla Business School and former Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine.

As a reminder, the Centers for National and Patriotic Education are the most involved in educating young people and developing important state values. There are already 8 of them in Lviv, but the system is planned to be scaled up in the future.

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