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Today is the Day of Defenders of Ukraine

День Захисника

День Захисника

1 October also marks the Day of the Cossacks, the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Day of the UPA. The Army, which showed what an unbreakable spirit is and is emulated by our defenders today.

Don’t forget to wish a happy holiday to those who are protecting our peaceful skies today.

Eternal glory and memory to all those who gave their lives for Ukraine.

The history of the Defender of Ukraine Day and the Intercession of the Holy Virgin

On 14 October, Ukraine celebrates two important holidays at once – the Day of the Defender of Ukraine and the Intercession of the Holy Virgin. Both of these days have deep historical roots and are associated with Ukrainian culture, traditions and military heritage.

History of the Defender of Ukraine Day

The Day of the Defender of Ukraine is a relatively new holiday, established in 2014 by a decree of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. This holiday was introduced against the backdrop of the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine, when there was a need to celebrate the courage and heroism of military personnel, volunteers, veterans, and civilians who defend the country’s territorial integrity.

14 October was chosen for the celebration for a reason. Firstly, it is the day of a major religious holiday – the Intercession of the Holy Virgin, which is considered the patron saint of the Ukrainian Cossacks. Secondly, it is the Day of the Ukrainian Cossacks, which has become a symbol of the struggle for freedom and independence of the Ukrainian people. The Cossacks honoured the Intercession as their main holiday, so the combination of these two dates was a natural fit for the new Ukrainian public holiday.

The establishment of the Defender of Ukraine Day was also a symbolic step in abandoning Soviet traditions, including the celebration of the Defender of the Fatherland Day on 23 February, which was associated with the Soviet army. Thus, 14 October took on a new meaning, combining the historical heritage of the Cossacks with the modern struggle for Ukraine’s sovereignty.

History of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin

The Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary is one of the most important Christian holidays celebrated on 1 October. Its history dates back to Byzantine times. According to legend, the holiday was established in honour of a miraculous event that took place in Constantinople in 910. At that time, the city was under the threat of an enemy attack, and at night, the inhabitants gathered in the church to pray, begging the Virgin for help. During the prayer, Saint Andrew the Fool saw a vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who covered the city and its inhabitants with her omophorion (veil), protecting them from their enemies. After that, the attack was averted, and the feast of the Intercession was established to commemorate this event.

In Ukraine, the Intercession took on special significance in the Cossack era. Zaporizhzhya Cossacks deeply revered the Virgin Mary as their patroness and protector. Every Cossack fortification had a church dedicated to the Intercession, and every campaign began with a prayer to the Holy Virgin. Therefore, this holiday has become a national and military holiday, symbolising protection and care not only for individuals but also for the entire Ukrainian people.

The significance of 1 October for modern Ukraine

1 October is a day when history and modernity are intertwined in one holiday. This is not only a day when we honour the memory of our ancestors – Cossacks, fighters for independence, UPA soldiers – but also a day when we thank the modern heroes who stand guard over Ukraine’s freedom and sovereignty.

The Intercession of the Holy Protection holiday, which has spiritual significance, has become part of the national identity, combining Christian traditions and military victories. The Defender of Ukraine Day gives this holiday a new meaning, turning it into a symbol of the struggle for independence and freedom of the modern state.

Thus, 1 October is not only a day of remembrance and commemoration, but also a reminder of the power of unity, faith and unwavering will of the Ukrainian people, which lead them to victory at any time.

On the postponement of Defender’s Day celebrations from 14 to 1 October

The celebration of the Day of Defenders of Ukraine was postponed from 14 October to 1 October in 2024 due to the reform of the church calendar implemented by the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU) and the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC). In 2023, these churches switched to the New Julian calendar, which moved most holidays back by 13 days. In particular, the feast of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin, which was traditionally celebrated on 14 October, is now celebrated on 1 October. As the Day of Defenders of Ukraine was closely linked to this religious holiday, it was also moved to a new date.

Thus, starting from 2024, the Day of Defenders of Ukraine, as well as the Day of the Ukrainian Cossacks, will be celebrated on 1 October.

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