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New homes of displaced persons in Drohobych region were equipped with household appliances

12 families of internally displaced persons, who this fall received the keys to apartments in a newly built building on Pylypa Orlyk Street in Drohobych, recently equipped their apartments with the necessary equipment. With the assistance of the religious Mission “Caritas-Spes” of the Lviv Archdiocese of the Roman Catholic Church, IDP families received new refrigerators.

Household appliances were delivered to each home by representatives of the “Caritas-Spes” Mission. The mission closely cooperates with the Drohobytsk City Council, in particular with the Department of Social Protection of the Population.

New refrigerators were added to the houses, which were handed over to the internally displaced persons with repairs and the necessary furniture – kitchens, gas stoves, bedrooms and living rooms. Families of displaced persons who lost their homes due to the war and found new homes in Drohobych are happy to be able to start a new phase of their lives with a clean slate in comfortable and furnished homes.

In addition, the construction of a modular frame house on P. Orlyka Street in Drohobych started in the spring of 2022. The housing was commissioned at the end of November 2023. The new building has 12 spacious apartments, 4 of which are one-room and 8 are two-room. Each house has been repaired and the necessary furniture has been installed.

Funds from the budgets of different levels were involved in the construction of the building: the state budget – 6.0 million hryvnias, the city budget – 10 million hryvnias, the regional budget – 600 thousand hryvnias. In addition, it was possible to accumulate almost UAH 1 million for the construction of housing for IDPs from charity donations, which were directly made by employees of the executive committee of the Drohobytsk City Council, departments and structural subdivisions of the City Hall, as well as individual charity workers. Drohobych’s sister cities, particularly Bytom, as well as international foundations and benefactors, joined the furnishing of apartments with furniture and household appliances.


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