Repair works are carried out with funds from the State Road Fund and the local budget of the Chervonograd City Council.
Road workers have started repairing the road on Promyslova Street in Chervonohrad. The road connects two roads of state importance: R-15 Kovel – Volodymyr-Volynskyi – Chervonograd – Zhovkva and road T1404 Chervonograd – Rava-Ruska.
It should be noted that repair works are carried out with funds from the State Road Fund and the local budget of the Chervonograd City Council. The executor is “Shlyahovyk-T” LLC
As part of the overhaul, they plan to:
carry out regeneration of the structural layers of the existing road clothing,
arrange two layers of asphalt concrete coating with a thickness of 10 cm and 5 cm,
to arrange sidewalks and bicycle paths, to carry out drainage works and road safety measures.