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The Drohobych community continues to work on attracting humanitarian aid for the military and IDPs

The second year of full-scale war in the country is passing. From the first days of the enemy’s invasion, the Drohobych community took an active position in matters of collecting and accumulating humanitarian aid. Its distribution is carried out according to clear criteria – primarily for the support of soldiers, later for forcibly displaced persons and for cities and communities that suffered the most from enemy shelling or occupation. Support is also directed to the needy residents of the community.

Attracting aid takes place thanks to established partnership relations with international funds and foreign sister cities. And also in cooperation with the Volunteer Headquarters “Ukrainian Team”.

Since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukrainian lands, the Drohobytsk community has provided shelter to about 20,433 internally displaced persons.

People who suffered from the war and moved to our community were provided with a free roof over their heads, three meals a day, medical and psychological support, as well as useful leisure time.

This was handled by the Drohobych Humanitarian Coordination Center, created in the very first days of the full-scale invasion.

Reception of internally displaced persons was a community initiative and was carried out thanks to the accumulated resources of the community and help received from sister cities.

Thanks to the established international contacts and the help of international funds and organizations, as of December 1, 2023, the forces of the local self-government managed to deliver more than 1,512 tons of humanitarian aid from abroad. At the same time, resources are being accumulated on the spot, with the involvement of volunteers and charitable funds.

Despite the fact that the state did not require reporting on received and distributed humanitarian aid from the beginning of martial law, the Drohobytsk community developed clear criteria for the distribution of aid received and regularly published reports on volunteer activities, received and issued aid.

From October 1 of this year, the military personal income tax was transferred to the state budget, so the community budget will lose more than two hundred million hryvnias of revenue. However, despite this, the Drohobytsk City Council leaves support for the military, which protects Ukraine from the enemy, as one of the priority items of expenditure.

You can familiarize yourself with the data as of December 1, 2023 in the table:

Item no. Data unit of measurement, indicator, date, additional description
1 The number of IDPs (internally displaced persons) who have arrived in the community since the beginning of hostilities persons 20433 01.12.2023

2 The number of IDPs (internally displaced persons) who are in the community of persons 8,618 01.12.2023 are registered as IDPs
3 The number of IDPs living in communally owned institutions is 676 on December 1, 2023, of which 120 are in educational institutions
4 Number of IDPs living in the households of the community of persons 7,942 01.12.2023

5 The number of households that receive compensation from the budget for the shelter of displaced persons household 1937/965 01.12.2023 Information regarding compensation payments is unknown, as payments are made directly, without the participation of local government.
6 The number of IDPs who receive educational services in the community of 716 people 01.12.2023 kindergartens/preschools – 150, general secondary education institutions – 484, extracurricular – 82.
7 Number of IDPs who receive medical services in the community of persons 8932 01.12.2023 appeals to medical institutions in general
8 The amount of humanitarian aid received by the community tons                   1,512.7 01.12.2023 Drohobych Humanitarian Coordination Center transported 735.4 tons. 2,899.3 tons passed through the Hub of Humanitarian Aid to Ukraine in Poland (of which 777.1 tons went to the OMS of the DMR) – data from the official website of the Cabinet of Ministers and the Office of the President
8.1. Clothing tone 510.4 01.12.2023

8.2. Food products ton 575.2 01.12.2023 About 200 kg of products were brought in by the Social Security Administration (grains for IDPs)
8.3. hygiene products ton 262.8 01.12.2023

8.4. medicines and means of medical use tone 18.4 01.12.2023

8.5. household equipment tons 100 01.12.2023

8.6. industrial equipment tons

8.6. vehicles pcs. 25 01.12.2023 11 ambulances, 12 SUVs, 2 buses
8.7. other tons 45.2 On December 1, 2023, 15 tons of aid arrived from the BF “Right to Defense”, including mattresses, bedding and basic necessities (in total – 527 sets)
9 amount of humanitarian aid provided by the community for IDPs ton 198.1 01.12.2023 527 kits were issued from the BF “Right to Protection”
9.1. Clothing tone 51 01.12.2023

9.2. Food products tone 95.5 01.12.2023

9.3. hygiene products tone 35.7 01.12.2023

9.4. medicines and means of medical use tones
01.12.2023 delivery is not carried out, it is used for providing medical services
9.5. household equipment tons
01.12.2023 is used in IDP settlement centers
9.6. industrial equipment tons

9.7. another tone

10 the amount of humanitarian aid collected and transferred for the needs of the Armed Forces tons 246.5 01.12.2023

10.1. Clothing tone 60.5 01.12.2023

10.2. Food products tone 73 01.12.2023

10.3. hygiene products tone 75 01.12.2023

10.4. medicines and meds


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