On June 28, a meeting of the executive committee of the Chervonohrad City Council took place. The members of the executive committee agreed on changes to the temporary agreement on the organization of passenger transportation on suburban public bus routes – the routes Chervonograd-Volsvin, Chervonograd-Boryatyn, Chervonograd-Ostriv. Therefore, it is envisaged to determine the carrier on these routes in a short time after the end of martial law.
Due to the projected low occupancy of preschools in Girnyk and Volsvin in the summer, a decision was made to temporarily suspend their work for the time being. The decision is agreed with the parent committees of these educational institutions.
At the request of the administration of Chervonohrad City Hospital, members of the executive committee considered the issue of setting tariffs for paid medical services provided by KP “Central City Hospital of Chervonohrad City Council” (paid examinations). According to Deputy Mayor Nadiya Zemnytska, this is due to an increase in the inflation index and an increase in the salaries of medical workers. From January 1, doctors will receive a salary of UAH 20,000, junior specialists – UAH 13,000.
You can get acquainted with the new tariffs for paid medical services at the link https://www.chg.gov.ua/proekty-rishen-vykonkomu/CHG-4774:
Tariffs for paid medical services of the municipal enterprise “Central City Hospital of Chervonohrad City Council” (paid medical examinations)
№ n / a Service code Service name Unit of measurement
Price without VAT, UAH
Price without VAT, UAH 2022
Professional examinations
1. 001 Professional examination by a therapist of the first category professional examination 16.08 24.12
2. 002 Professional examination by an ophthalmologist of the highest category professional examination 8.27 12.41
3. 003 Professional examination by an otolaryngologist of the highest category professional examination 13.09 19.64
4. 004 Professional examination by an obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category professional examination 19.07 28.61
5. 005 Professional examination by a dermatovenerologist of the highest category professional examination 14.70 22.05
6. 006 Professional examination by a surgeon of the highest category professional examination 8.73 13.10
7. 007 Professional examination by a neurologist of the highest category professional examination 15.26 22.89
8. 008 Professional examination by a dentist of the highest category professional examination 13.78 20.67
9. 009 Professional examination by a urologist of the second category professional examination 24,12 36,18
10. 010 Professional examination by an oncologist without the category of professional examination 22.74 34.11
11. 011 Professional examination by a narcologist of the first category professional examination 20.91 31.37
12. 012 Professional examination by a psychiatrist of the highest category professional examination 35.84 53.76
Functional diagnostics
13. 013 ECG examination in 12 leads, which is conducted in the study room 38.37 57.56
14. 014 Spirography with functional tests and determination of lung volumes and functional tests with manual processing of the obtained research indicators 117.39 176.09
X-ray examinations
15. 015 Fluorography of the chest in the lateral or direct anterior projection of the study 12.41 18.62
16. 016 Description of the fluorogram description 10.57 15.86
17. 017 Radiography of the chest (review) in one projection of the study 69.38 104.07
18. 018 Chest radiography (review) in two projections of the study 116.93 175.40
Ophthalmological and otolaryngological services
19. 019 Tonometry of the study eye 41.81 62.72
20. 020 Research of hearing by a method of tonal audiometry of research 39,97 59,96
21. 021 Examination of the vestibular apparatus in the chair Aries study 16.77 25.16
Laboratory tests
22. 022 Taking blood bioassays from a finger in adults (for several indicators) procedure 4.59 6.89
23. 023 Determination of hemoglobin by hemoglobin cyanide method of research 5.74 8.61
24. 024 Counting of leukocytes in Goryaev’s chamber research 8,96 13,44
25. 025 Determination of ESR study 3.91 5.87
26. 026 Counting of reticulocytes (staining in vitro – or other) study 28.03 42.05
27. 027 Counting of erythrocytes in Goryaev’s chamber of research 11,95 17,93
28. 028 Counting of platelets in stained smears by Fonio study 22.51 33.77
29. 029 Determination of glucose in capillary blood of research 21,37 32,06
30. 030 Determination of blood group by ABO system in capillary blood of the study 21.59 32.39
31. 031 Determination of rhesus factor in capillary blood of the study 25,73 38,60
32. 032 Serodiagnosis of syphilis – Wasserman reaction research 42,73 64,10
33. 033 Serodiagnosis of syphilis – reaction of microprecipitation of research 20,45 30,68
34. 034 Determination of the amount of urine, its color, transparency, the presence of sediment, relative weight, reaction (PH) of the study 9,19 13,79
35. 035 Finding glucose in urine by rapid test 3.22 4.83
36. 036 Finding protein in urine with sulfosalicylic acid study 3.22 4.83
37. 037 Finding helminth eggs in feces (native smear method) study 17.00 25.50
38. 038 Examination of faeces on the simplest researches 40,43 60,65
39. 039 Research of feces on pinworms (enterobiosis) in 3 drugs of research 15,62 23,43
40. 044 Determination of gamma-glutamine transferase activity in blood serum was investigated