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Lvivvodokanal to supply water to Dubliany residents from 1 September

Next month, Lvivvodokanal will start supplying water to almost 2,000 consumers in Dubliany.

According to the Lviv City Council, in order to make this possible and ensure that Dubliany residents have high-quality and reliable water supply and sewerage, as well as to prevent the deterioration of the sanitary and epidemiological situation in the community, a Memorandum was signed in July this year between Lviv National University of Environmental Management, the Department of Housing and Infrastructure of Lviv City Council, Lvivvodokanal and the Department of Administration and Community Development of Lviv City Council.

In general, the Memorandum stipulates that the university will retain ownership of the treatment facilities. Therefore, the educational institution will operate them until the city builds a collector to the city’s wastewater treatment plant. The memorandum also coordinates all the relations between the parties and the steps to be taken in the next 2 years to fully finalise this process.

“Dubliany will now have uninterrupted water supply of controlled quality. For this purpose, a new water pipeline was built from our mains to Dubliany. And now we need some time to make a full inventory of all networks.

What is important: we urge residents to install apartment meters for water supply. As of today, only 50% of Dubliany’s dwellings and buildings have apartment meters. And according to the law, residents and businesses must install water meters themselves to pay for the actual cubic metres consumed. Therefore, once a resident has invested in a high-quality metering device, they will pay for the actual cubic metres of water consumed, not the standard rate.

And we, for our part, are ready to advise Dubliany residents on the installation of meters and provide our specialists,” said Dmytro Vankovych, CEO of Lvivvodokanal.

The tariffs for centralised water supply and centralised sewerage for the “population” category in Dubliany will be as follows

This tariff was approved by the NEURC resolution and has not changed since 2021.

“During 10-15 October, residents of Dubliany will receive bills for water supply and sewerage at the specified tariffs.

For the convenience of residents, we recommend using the free chatbot vodokanal_lviv_bot (Telegram/Viber), where you can submit meter readings online, report an accident and receive notifications about possible water supply outages,” Lvivvodokanal adds.

For more information on water meter installation, please contact Lvivvodokanal service centres:

– Lviv, 64 Zelena St. and 24 Khutorivka St. (Monday to Thursday: 8:00 to 17:00; Friday: 8:00 to 16:00).

Or by calling the contact centres (to receive meter readings, provide information on account status, etc:)

— 38 (032) 240-01-00;

– 38 (067) 310-09-49;

– 0 (800) 30-15-51 (toll-free for all telecom operators)

Calls are received from Monday to Thursday from 8.00 to 18.00, Friday from 8.00 to 17.00.

The “Hotline” (round-the-clock) is available to address issues related to the absence of water supply, water leaks, quality of services, etc:

– 15-51,

– (032) 259-15-50,

– (032) 259-15-51.

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