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The city council directed an appeal to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine regarding the transfer of Drohobytsk saltworks to communal ownership

To preserve the Drogobytsky salt-distillation plant and transfer it to the ownership of the territorial community – this is the position of the city leadership, the deputy corps and the concerned residents of the community. From year to year, it is clearly defended at the regional and state level, because the saltworks is the soul of the city, an important historical and touristic object.

Today, during the 2nd plenary meeting of the session, the body of deputies supported an appeal to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine with a request to take measures to preserve the Drohobytsk salt-distillation plant and transfer it to the communal ownership of the community. After all, only such actions can guarantee the preservation of the plant and its further development and functioning.

The mayor of Drohobych, Taras Kuchma, voiced the community’s clear position.

The Drohobytsk Saltworks is the oldest continuously operating enterprise in Europe. It is unique in that salt is still boiled here according to the old authentic technology. Thanks to this, Drohobych salt is crystal clear and does not contain any impurities. After the largest Ukrainian salt production enterprise “Artemsil” was destroyed by enemy shelling, the Drohobytsk Saltworks became one of the strategically important enterprises and increased production capacity. However, the condition of the plant is deplorable.

The building of the agricultural plant and its territory need revitalization. The city cannot support him, since the object is in state ownership.

In addition to the economic significance of the enterprise, the Drohobytsk saltworks is an important tourist magnet. Groups of tourists from different cities of Ukraine and abroad come to the enterprise to see the unique technology of boiling salt. Souvenir products with salt and original salty dishes in local restaurants are also popular. Salt furnaces are part of the city’s coat of arms and its logo. “It has all the salt” – this is Drohobych’s slogan.

Only in the communal ownership of the community can the enterprise be preserved and developed in the future – Drohobych is convinced. Therefore, the session of the city council directed another appeal to the Cabinet of Ministers with a request to transfer the plant to the city, where they love it, value it and want to develop it.

At the same time, the session considered the decision to transfer the dormitory of the Oil and Gas College to communal ownership. The building has been idle for years without a manager, but the community has a vision of arranging housing for IDPs there – which international funds are ready to support.

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