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Two new traffic lights will be operational on B. Khmelnytskyi Street in Lviv

As part of the reconstruction of St. B. Khmelnytskyi today, May 9, two traffic light objects will be put into operation – at the intersection of St. B. Khmelnytskyi – Kukuruzyana and st. B. Khmelnytskyi – AS-2.

About this to the Voice of Sokal Region at Lvivavtodor LKP.

To check the correct operation of the equipment, first the traffic light object at the intersection of st. B. Khmelnytskyi – str. Kuzukuriyan will be launched in test mode (on May 6, a traffic light object near AS-2 was launched as a test). Until the end of the day (May 9), both traffic lights will be operational.

In order to launch these traffic light objects, specialists from three departments of Lvivavtodor LKP, namely the department for maintenance of traffic light objects, the department of the automated traffic control system, and the department of transport planning and modeling, performed the following works:

• traffic lights are installed;
• road controllers, traffic, bicycle and pedestrian traffic lights, video detectors, buttons for calling the pedestrian phase were installed (traffic lights were installed directly earlier, but they needed the above-mentioned additional equipment to start);
• cable network laid;
• conditions for the logic of operation of these traffic light objects were developed and planning was created in a specialized program.

Both traffic light objects will work in the mode of adaptive control and coordination. This means that the duration of permission signals will depend on the intensity of traffic flows: if the presence of vehicles is not detected by the video detector from a certain approach to the intersection, then the permission signal for this traffic phase will be interrupted and, accordingly, the regulation phase will be activated, where the traffic has accumulated. Pedestrians will also be able to speed up the activation of the green signal for crossing the roadway by pressing the pedestrian button.

Putting these traffic light objects into working mode will, first of all, make these intersections safe for the movement of all road users. The traffic on the ring road will decrease. B. Khmelnytskyi – str. Lypinsky – street Kuzurzyna, since pedestrians will have a separate phase of movement when they are allowed to move (we will avoid single, unorganized crossings across the carriageway), and priority is also given to the exit of public transport from the territory of AC-2 with the help of video detectors.

“Attention drivers! In accordance with the traffic organization scheme agreed by the Department of Patrol Police in the Lviv region, the left turn maneuver from St. B. Khmelnytskyi to the “Epicentr” shopping center is prohibited. We ask drivers to obey the traffic rules, because ignoring the relevant signs and markings leads to emergency situations and delays in the movement of drivers moving along B. Khmelnytskyi Street in the direction of St. Corn The second critical moment, which leads to the occurrence of emergency situations, is the disregard of road sign 4.2 “Traffic to the right” and road marking 1.1 (solid marking line) by drivers leaving the territory of the “Epicenter” shopping center. Therefore, we ask drivers to follow the traffic rules, which will increase traffic safety, road safety, and the speed of passing this traffic light object,” emphasizes Lvivavtodor LKP.

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