The building of the shop of the Lviv trade and production enterprise “Dim Sad Gorod” on the street Khvylovoi, 3 in Lviv is being reconstructed. A public space will be arranged nearby, and inside there will be a shelter for residents.
The chief architect of Lviv, Anton Kolomeytsev, spoke about the issuance of town planning conditions and restrictions for the reconstruction of the store with the arrangement of public space during the meeting of the executive committee of the Lviv City Council.
“The members of the executive committee had previously visited this facility. It is planned to expand this building with the arrangement of public space in front of it. In particular, they will provide evacuation for the residents of the building directly adjacent to this facility. An improved commercial function will also be installed in the premises themselves.
Here there is compliance with urban planning documentation. This decision was considered within the city planning council. Also, this project was agreed with the residents, it was presented to the locals, and they have consented to the implementation of the project,” said Anton Kolomeytsev.