The “Own House” program, a comprehensive program for providing housing loans to certain categories of citizens in the Lviv region for 2021-2025
We lend to individual rural developers:
New construction – up to 400,000 UAH
Completion and reconstruction of railways – up to 250,000 UAH
Purchase of railways – up to 300,000 UAH
Installation of engineering networks – 100.0 thousand hryvnias.
The loan rate is 3% per annum
Interest-free for families with 3 or more children
Requirements for borrowers:
Living in the countryside
Construction in rural areas
Work within the district
Our address: 95 Pekarska Street, Lviv, Ukraine, 79010
tel. (032) 225-65-07 fax: (032) 225-65-08
mobile phone 0974801594