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Понад 22 мільйони гривень вдалось залучити до бюджету громади завдяки роботі комісії з питань оренди та приватизації комунального майна

For a long time, the deputy corps of the Drohobych City Council has been discussing the need to hear reports on the activities of the council’s permanent deputy commissions and to make changes to the composition of these commissions.

More than UAH 22 million attracted to the budget of the Drohobych community through auctions for the lease and sale of communal premises

The first report was presented today, 3 October, during the second plenary meeting of the 54th session of the city council. It was the report of Yuriy Kushlyk, Chairman of the Council’s Standing Committee on Lease, Privatisation, Communal Property, Industry, Trade, Catering, Consumer Services, Small and Medium Business.

The deputies were presented with the commission’s achievements over the past three years, including the identification and registration of municipal property, holding transparent auctions for the lease and sale of municipal premises, and raising funds for the community budget.

The Lease and Privatisation Commission, chaired by Yuriy Kushlyk, prepared 338 draft decisions. The total amount of funds received by the community budget from the sale and purchase agreements amounted to UAH 22 million.

These funds were raised thanks to the systematic work of the deputies, in cooperation with the community property department. This includes the identification of communal property, streamlining of documentation for the premises and confirmation of the fact that the property is in communal ownership, preparation and holding of lease and sale auctions on the Prozorro electronic trading platform.

The auctions and lease agreements also bring almost a million hryvnias to the hromada’s budget annually. For comparison, at the beginning of our commission’s work, this amount was less than UAH 300,000,” , said Yuriy Kushlyk, chairman of the commission.

Thanks to the work of the commission, 41 real estate objects with a book value of almost UAH 63.5 million were put on the balance sheet of the community property department and 45 real estate objects were registered with the territorial community. At the same time, systematic work is underway to develop passports of objects and security documents for cultural monuments of local significance, which are also the communal property of the community.

After the presentation of the report, the deputies had the opportunity to discuss issues of interest to them, including the procedure for writing off municipal property from the balance sheet and control over the execution of contracts, in particular in terms of proper and timely payment by tenants for the use of municipal property.

The report was taken into account by a majority of the deputies. In the future, the deputy corps plans to hear reports from the heads of other permanent deputy commissions of the council and is working on changes to the composition of the commissions.

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