The Commission for the Development of Local Self-Government of the Lviv Regional Council today, August 17, supported the initiative of the Slavska Settlement Council to rename the village. Slavske in the village Slavsko and the initiative of the residents of the village. Rudne about renaming the village to the village of Ore.
As the director of the Institute of Ukrainian Studies named after I. Krypyakevych of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Ihor Solyar, defending the name Slavsko, the community of the village refuses the artificially imposed form of Slavsko, which was established during the Soviet regime, and returns the authentic model of names in –sko, historically widespread in Galicia.
“As for the name Rudno, it is precisely in this graphic design that it is recorded by the Josephine (1785 – 1788) and Franciscan (1819 – 1820) metrics. Considering the restoration of the historical name Rudno as a fair decision, we refute the arguments that the forms with the final -o seem to have merged or are rarely used in the Ukrainian language,” Ihor Solyar emphasized.
According to the chairman of the commission, Volodymyr Kyrylych, according to the legislation, the next decisions should be the renaming of the Lviv Regional Council and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
“We have all the necessary documents, so we are initiating consideration of draft decisions on renaming these two settlements at a session of the Lviv Regional Council.
It is important to listen to the communities and help them, in particular to establish their historical origins. After all, this, in my opinion, is the basis of patriotism. I am convinced that the process of renaming is the first step that will give impetus to the writing of the history of all territorial communities,” commented Volodymyr Kyrylych.