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In Lviv, 85% of tram plates have been installed on the section from Yatskova Street to Bortnyanskoho Street

The third stage of the reconstruction of the street is in progress. Shevchenko. According to the LLP “Lvivavtodor”, the contracting organization “Onur” LLP is conducting active work on two sections – from the street Yatskov to St. Bortnyanskyi, as well as from St. Bortnyanskyi to st. Yaroslav the Wise. In the last section, dismantling works and preparation for the laying of networks are ongoing.

“The active phase of the reconstruction of St. Shevchenko continues on two sections – from the street. Yatskov to St. Bortnyanskyi, as well as from St. Bortnyanskyi to st. Yaroslav the Wise.

Works on the site from St. Yatskov to St. Bortnyansky has been completed by 50%. As of now, the contracting organization “Onur Construction International” LLC has installed 85% of the tram track slabs, and will begin the installation of track links. To complete the work on this section, it remains to mount the tram track, contact network supports, pave the tram track, and arrange an asphalt concrete surface.

Regarding the area from the street Bortnyanskyi to st. Yaroslav the Wise, then 10% of the work is done here. The most difficult thing lies ahead – laying networks. Currently, the dismantling of the supports of the contact network of the tram, the installation of a sand-crushed base for the road surface, the laying of a water pipe with a diameter of 600 mm and a sewer collector with a diameter of 1000 mm are in progress,” – reported LKP “Lvivavtodor”.

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