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A detailed plan of the territory in the village of Soltysy in the village of The village of Chervonohrad OTG

The Chervonohrad branch of the PA APB developed a detailed plan of the territory in the village of Soltysy in the village of A villager of the Chervonohrad City Territorial Community (outside the settlement) in order to determine the parameters of land plots for maintenance of existing industrial buildings for their reconstruction, construction of new facilities and formation of land plots as investment attractive for their further sale at land auctions.

When developing urban planning documentation, design decisions of the master plan of the village of Village, existing planning constraints, wishes of the owners of existing buildings, as well as community interests in the rational use of vacant land.

In compliance with the Laws of Ukraine “On Regulation of Urban Development”, “On Strategic Environmental Assessment”, as well as other legislative and regulatory documents, consultations were held with government agencies (Departments of Ecology and Natural Resources, Health of Lviv Regional State Administration), public discussion and hearing.

Currently, materials are being prepared for consideration at a meeting of the Architectural and Urban Planning Council under the Department of Urban Planning and Architecture of Chervonohrad City Council, after which urban planning documentation will be sent for consideration and approval to the next session of Chervonohrad City Council.

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