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Overhaul of the road in the city of Velyki Mosty is underway

The Department of Capital Construction of the Lviv Regional Government carries out technical supervision of the execution of works on the capital repair of the road in the city of Velyki Mosty

Major repairs are underway on the street. Bohdan Khmelnytskyi from St. Lvivska to the public road of local importance 0140601 Rava-Ruska-Hayok km 40+970 in the city of Velyki Mosty, Lviv region.

Technical supervision of repairs and technological approaches to the implementation of road works is carried out at the facility to prevent and eliminate deficiencies that arise during the execution of works.

The main task is to ensure high-quality and safe transport connections, which will contribute to significant qualitative changes in the transport infrastructure of the Veliko Mostkiv city community.

As of today, paving tiles are being laid at the facility, as well as the installation of the sewage network.

Technical supervision specialists check compliance with technologies and the availability of necessary documents confirming the quality of materials and structures in order to ensure the quality of road works in accordance with the technical specification, requirements of building regulations and national standards.

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