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Three kilometers of new pavement: the repair of the border road on the Khyriv-Polyana section is being completed

Capital repair works are being completed at another “Polish credit” facility.

It is about the Smilnytsia – Staryy Sambir checkpoint road on the Khyriv – Polyana section, which is being repaired within the framework of the initiative “Development of border road infrastructure at the approaches to checkpoints on the Ukrainian-Polish border”.

“Thanks to the implementation of the international project, a 3-kilometer section of the road was repaired, as well as two bridges in the city of Khyriv and between the village of Polyana and the city of Khyriv were overhauled. I emphasize once again that high-quality transport connections and proper cross-border road infrastructure are the key to the economic and food functioning of our state,” said the deputy head of the Lviv OVA Yuriy Buchko.

During the capital repair, a set of measures and the composition of the necessary infrastructure were planned to ensure the effective functioning of the object. The subcontractor DROG-BUD Sp. works there. z o. o.

“The road that borders the European Union has not been repaired for several decades. And the passage of cars was ensured within the limits of operational maintenance by eliminating emergency potholes. During the survey of the most destroyed section of the T-14-01 road, the destruction of 80% of the road surface was observed: potholes, pits and ruts were widely developed. Surface drainage was unsatisfactory or poorly developed along almost the entire stretch of the road. In addition, the road has unfavorable conditions for road transport: low capacity, low level of safety and ease of movement. Accordingly, we decided to overhaul this section of the road,” said Oleg Bereza, head of the highway service in the Lviv region.

What has already been done:

bushes and sprouts were removed;
the worn road surface was cut;
arranged two layers of asphalt concrete with preliminary strengthening of the base;
lighting was installed within the village of Polyana;
organized road traffic: applied horizontal markings, installed road signs and barriers.
What they plan to do:
we carry out works on the installation of water discharges;
we arrange shaped paving elements on the sidewalks.

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