In Chervonohrad, the issue of the possibility of resuming the transportation of pensioners and persons with disabilities on preferential terms is being resolved
During the period of quarantine introduced in Ukraine, the executive committee of the Chervonograd city council, guided by the relevant government regulations, limited the concessionary travel in public transport for pensioners and persons with disabilities. This norm is valid until June 30.
As the deputy mayor of Chervonograd, Mykola Mysak, said, taking into account the stabilization of the situation with the incidence of Covid-19 and the Government’s decision to end the quarantine from July 1, the city authorities and carriers determine the need for additional financial resources necessary to ensure preferential transportation of these categories of the population and preparation of relevant decisions regarding their restoration.
Yesterday, a meeting was held with the carriers, at which the issue of conditions for resuming the transportation of beneficiaries (age pensioners and persons with disabilities) was considered.