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In Drohobych, 90% of consumers already have heat, and in Stebnik, hot batteries will be available from Monday

This year, Drohobytsk community held open electronic consultations with residents regarding the start date of the heating season. Almost 80% of respondents were in favor of starting the heating season from the first days of November, as October in the territorial community was quite warm in terms of temperature.

Taking into account the opinion of the majority of residents, the City Hall supported the proposal to start the heating season with the beginning of November. Therefore, on November 2, the mayor of Drohobych, Taras Kuchma, signed the corresponding order on the start of the heating season.

With the beginning of this week, the coolant was gradually launched in educational institutions of the Drohobych community: kindergartens, schools, as well as communal and budget institutions. From November 6, all inpatients of the community’s medical institutions will be warmly welcomed.

In Drohobych, as of November 10, according to the information of Volodymyr Dzeryn, head of KP “Drohobychteploenergo”, 90% of consumers are already provided with heat. Currently, the issue of supplying heat carrier to 5 boiler houses of the city remains open. They are settling issues with the distribution networks regarding the supply of gas to these boiler houses – there is hope that the issue will be resolved by the end of today.

As for Stebnyk, as reported by KP “Drohobychteploenergo”, the company has the opportunity to supply coolant to 2 gardens and 16 houses in the city of Kaliynyk. However, the heads of condominiums have submitted the relevant petitions that they are ready to wait this weekend and accept the heat carrier with the beginning of the new week – November 13.

In addition, on Monday, November 13, the repair works to replace part of the heating line on Kulisha Street in Stebnik will be completed. According to Volodymyr Dzeryn, repair work on the heating line is a forced step. Since in the course of off-season tests of this network, it showed disappointing results – the pipes were worn and leaked. It would be impossible to run heat in this heating season through such a network. The pipes of the heat line to Kulish were laid back in the 70s. According to Volodymyr Dzeryn, the network replacement work is on the finish line. The new network is pre-insulated, which means that it will contribute to saving the coolant during transportation.


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