Miska Rada of Lvov voted for proposals for renaming the offensive block of Lvov Street. In the middle of the street, as if it is not difficult to take away new names, – Lev Zhemchuzhnikov near the Frankivsky district and Koryatska near the Zaliznichny district.
Let’s preach to the Lvivians among many important articles of Ukrainian history, among them are new Heroes, who also created the sports history of our region.
🟢So, Koryatska Street can become the street of Vitaliy Sapil, the 21st Hero of Ukraine, who was the commander of a tank platoon and three dozens of enemy vehicles. Vitaliy was a member of the football school of Lviv “Karpaty”. Having died for an hour, an air strike near a fierce one.
🟢And Zhemchuzhnikova Street can become the street of Dmytro Sidoruk – a participant in the Russian-Ukrainian war, master of sports of the international class of archery, winner of the Invictus Games, coach of the Ukrainian team “Neskorenikh”. Dmitro vanished under Popasnaya at the kvіtnі.
You can take part in the experiment up to 1 sickle. The proposition, which takes the most votes during the hour of voting, takes one point.
Yogo vrahuє working group, as we accept the remaining solution. For some time, it may be confirmed at the session of the deputies.