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There are 20 heating points in Lviv in Lviv: visitors are accepted from 09.00 and 21.00 h

To date, 20 heating points – points of indomitable. The points have the opportunity to warm up, drink hot tea or coffee, charge gadgets. All points are affixed to an interactive map and operate from 09.00 to 21.00.

“There are now 20 city points, and they can be more than a thousand if necessary. People who have no light in the south, can come here, charge your phone, drink coffee, warm up.

These establishments have generators, Wi-Fi router, basic food-tea, coffee, cookies, and some warm things to make a person, if necessary, can warm up.

The items operate from 09.00 to 21.00. If necessary, hours of work can be continued, ”the city hall says.

Instead, about a thousand locations of heating will be opened and launched in work when the situation is deteriorated, when the blackout will be more than 24 hours. There will also be basic food, Wi-Fi, the ability to charge phones and some minimal things to be possible longer, radios. Heating addresses will be reported to residents and also on an interactive map at

As of now, the heating points operate at the addresses:

Railway District:

1. Str. Air, 20

2. Str. Vyhovsky, 34

3. Str. Wide, 86b

Galician district:

1. Str. Gorodotska, 36

2. Str. F. Lista, 1

3. Str. Serbska, 15

Frankivsk District:

1. Str. Vladimir the Great, 18

2. Str. General T. Chuprynka, 85

3. Str. Sophia Karaffy-Korbut, 10 (former Aivazovsky).

Shevchenkivskyi District:

1. Str. Mazepa, 11

2. Str. Lipinski, 11

3. Str. Kirillovskaya, 3a

4. Str. Shevchenko, 350A

5. Str. Velichkovsky, 58

6. Str. Kushevich, 1.

Lychakiv District:

1. Str. Pasichna, 49b

2. Str. K. Levitsky, 67.

Sikhiv district:

1. Ave. Red viburnum, 66

2. Ave. Red viburnum, 38

3. Ave. Red Kalina, 81.

For more information on the work of heating points in Lviv, please contact the tel. +38 (050) 555-44-61, and on the hotline of the city 15-80.

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