Tomorrow, August 8, the second recruitment center of the Ukrainian army will be opened in Lviv. It will open in Sykhiv district.
As in the first such center on Kostya Levytskoho Street, it will offer information about vacancies in the army and allow people to choose their preferred profession in the military.
The center will be opened in cooperation with the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.
Ukraine’s first recruitment center for the Ukrainian army was opened in Lviv in February 2024. Since then, the center’s staff has provided more than 2,200 consultations, both in person and over the phone, on the specifics and algorithms of recruitment. Contacts have also been established with more than 100 military units.
“It is worth noting that the citizens recruited are those who voluntarily chose to join the Armed Forces, which means they are more motivated and will perform their military service better,” said Valentyna Bartoshyk, Director of the Humanitarian Policy Department of Lviv City Council.
Over the past six months, about 30 recruiting centers have been opened across Ukraine to help citizens choose a position and choose a military unit based on their previous experience, education, personal preferences, and the needs of the Armed Forces.