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Lviv approves procedure for issuing certificates of care to persons liable for military service

The certificate of care will be issued by district social protection departments.

This is one of the documents that allows a person liable for military service to receive a deferral from conscription during mobilisation. The regulations on the procedure for drafting and issuing it were approved by the executive committee of the Lviv City Council.

“A person liable for military service must obtain and submit an act of care to the CMC and the JV. The state has entrusted local councils with the authority to draw up these acts. Therefore, by this decision, we approve the procedure for drawing up and issuing such an act. At the same time, at the session, we will consider adding social protection for employees who will be performing new work,” explained Oleksiy Nedilya, head of the city’s social protection department.

“On the one hand, we have to facilitate mobilisation, but on the other hand, the executive authorities have very responsible duties, where the social protection department has to check every fact of a military person’s application for a deferment. And the employees of the commission have to examine the living conditions, establish all the facts and provide an appropriate conclusion.

Before we recommended that the executive committee approve this decision, we had a conversation with the regional head of the recruitment centre. This document has been carefully analysed, and there are a number of recommendations and comments to be taken into account, in particular regarding the timing of the document’s consideration.

At the last session, we discussed the number of employees of the Social Protection Department. And this is exactly the case when it is impossible to delay this, and we definitely need to support this decision in order to increase the number of employees in the social protection department who will ensure the quality implementation of this document,” explained Yevhen Boyko, director of the department of the City Mayor’s Administration Yevhen Boyko.

“I agree and support the increase in social protection staff. Because a lot of people are waiting for this act and are asking questions to the city council,” added Valeriy Veremchuk, chairman of the deputy commission on health and social protection.

Next week, the plenary session will consider increasing the number of employees of the social protection department who will carry out this work.


A person liable for military service who cares for

– a sick wife (husband)

– child

– their father or mother (or parents of their spouse) Important: the person being cared for must be in need of constant care according to the conclusion of the medical and social expert commission or the medical advisory commission of the healthcare institution

– persons who have a parent (or spouse’s parent) with a disability of group I or II, provided that there are no other persons who are not liable for military service and are obliged to support them.

– family members of the second degree of kinship (siblings, grandparents, grandchildren) of a person with a disability of group I or II, who are engaged in permanent care for the person. This is possible if there are no family members of the first degree of kinship or if they themselves need care

– in the absence of first- and second-degree relatives, the right to receive a certificate is extended to family members of the third degree of kinship (uncle, aunt, nephew) of a person with a disability of group I or II.


1. A person submits an application and a package of documents to the MCC and JV to obtain a deferment from mobilisation.

2. The MCC and JI examines the application, verifies family ties and, based on the results of the document check, sends all materials to the district social security office to establish the fact of caregiving.

3. Upon receipt of the case file, social protection workers contact the applicant. After the conversation with the social security officer, the person must apply to the ASC to receive a permanent care certificate and provide copies of the necessary documents to the ASC.

Important: The application can be submitted at the nearest unit of the ASC of Lviv CCL by appointment.

4. The ASC sends the submitted documents to the district social security office. The commission, if all the necessary documents are available, will visit the address where the person in need is cared for within 10 days. The applicant will be notified of the date of the examination additionally.

5. Based on the results of the inspection, the commission confirms or does not confirm the fact of care, as indicated in the report. The applicant will be informed of the commission’s decision on the day of the inspection.

6. The applicant can receive the certificate in two ways: by mail or by coming in person to the ASC where he or she submitted the documents.

7. The person liable for military service submits the received act to the CMC and JI for further consideration of his/her application for deferment.

Important: If a person liable for military service initially applies to the ASC without applying to the CMC and JV, this application will still be considered by social security employees only after the social security office receives the documents from the CMC and JV.


At the ASC, copies of the documents (with the original) are required to be submitted with the application for the Act:

– Identity documents of the applicant and the person under care (passport of a citizen of Ukraine/passport with a contactless electronic medium (ID card);

– identification code of the applicant and the person to be cared for;

– certificate of IDP registration (for internally displaced persons);

– documents confirming family ties between the person liable for military service and the person he/she is caring for;

– documents confirming the disability of the person requiring care (permanent care);

– documents confirming the person’s need for care (permanent care) – a certificate to the MSEC examination report in the form approved by the Ministry of Health and/or a conclusion of the healthcare institution’s LCC on the need for permanent care (if necessary);

– documents about other family members of the person in need of care (permanent care) who are not liable for military service and are obliged by law to support them, or other able-bodied family members who are obliged and able to provide permanent care, including first-degree relatives (if any) and/or second-degree relatives (in the absence of first- and second-degree relatives, family members of the third-degree relatives), and documents confirming their inability to provide care (clause

– information on the application of the person liable for military service to the RTCC and JIC at the place of military registration with the application provided for in paragraph one of clause 61 of Procedure No. 560. A copy of the registered application and certificate is attached at the request of the applicant;

– information on applying to the social protection authorities for compensation (assistance, allowance) for care (permanent care)/information on receiving compensation (assistance, allowance) for care (permanent care) by a person liable for military service (appointment of a person liable for military service);

– other documents, at the request of the applicant or if necessary.

The procedure for granting persons liable for military service a deferment from mobilisation is described in detail in the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of 16 May 2024 No. 560 On Approval of the Procedure for Conscription of Citizens for Military Service during Mobilisation and for a Special Period”.


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