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An apartment was purchased for an orphan in the Velykomostivska hromada and a new foster family was formed

Recently, a wonderful event took place in the Velykomostivska hromada – an orphan was given an apartment.

A foster family has also been formed in the Velykomostivska hromada.

The couple Volodymyr and Myroslava Burko have long dreamed of having their home filled with children’s laughter and fun. Today, their dream has come true: three children deprived of parental care – their sisters and their brother – have been placed in the family.

The creation of a foster family is an important step in supporting children in need of family warmth and care, especially in the context of the war in our country.

The establishment of this foster family was made possible through constant communication and close cooperation between the spouses Volodymyr and Myroslava Burko and Olga Danylchuk, Head of the Children’s Service of the Velykomostiv City Council.

We sincerely wish this family warmth and comfort, peace and understanding. Let joyful moments fill the house with goodness and happiness, and sincere smiles on the faces of children will be gratitude to their parents.

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