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They plan to create a transport hub in Zhovkva

Currently, such a decision remains only at the level of an idea, but they want to implement the project.

This first became known during the speech of the mayor of Lviv Andrii Sadovoy at the World Economic Forum in Davos, later the information was confirmed by the mayor of Zhovkva Oleg Volskyi in a comment on

Such an idea arose after the decision of “Ukrzaliznytsia” to lay three narrow tracks of the European standard: from the Warsaw direction, from Krakow and from Hungary. Sadovyi noted that Lviv is preparing a conference at which new transport projects related to integration with the European railway infrastructure will be presented.

“Ukrzaliznytsia plans to build three narrow tracks of European standard to Lviv: from the Warsaw direction, from Krakow through Przemyśl and from Hungary, in connection with which there is an idea of a transport hub in Zhovkva,” said Andriy Sadovy.

He discussed this conference at the end of last month in Brussels with the directors of various EU departments, in particular, he had a meeting with the transport department.

“Zhovkva is at the intersection between Lviv and the state border, it will be a big plus for our communities. This issue has not been discussed in detail at the moment, but we plan to work on it. Starting next week, we will think about how to implement it. When it reaches the level of organization, the Zhovkva City Council will actively get involved and work on it,” added the mayor of Zhovkva.

We will remind that this year in Lviv Oblast, they plan to lay a Eurotrack from Rava-Ruska to the village of Bryukhovychy. In the future, this route should connect Lviv and Warsaw by rail for passenger transportation.

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