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Renovation works are underway in the future rehabilitation department of Chervonohrad City Hospital

Kvadratnyi Metr Holding Company LLC has resumed repair work at the future rehabilitation department of Chervonohrad City Hospital, which was suspended in January due to the update of design estimates.

This was reported by the Chervonohrad City Council.

According to hospital engineer Tatiana Samofalova, the contractor has completed all dismantling and plastering work and installed doors in all rooms. Plumbing work is underway, as well as the installation of fire alarms and electrical wiring.

The reconstruction is expected to be completed by the end of summer.

The rehabilitation unit will have five wards for 20 patients, medical offices and two rehabilitation halls equipped with specialized equipment.

Patients will be rehabilitated here not only physically but also psychologically. Speech therapists, psychologists, psychotherapists, occupational therapists and rehabilitation specialists will work with patients.

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