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Drohobych wants to declare one-day mourning for the arrival of soldiers on a shield in their hometown

A corresponding appeal was made by local councillor Marta Slotylo at the 51st session of the Drohobych City Council on 6 June. According to her, when the funeral convoy with the fallen Hero arrives in Drohobych, a citywide mourning should be declared. This means that all planned mass events on that day should be cancelled, no loud music should be played, and national flags could be lowered if desired.

The head of the community, Taras Kuchma, supported the deputy’s proposal. The relevant order will be issued in the near future.

In addition, the city of Drohobych once again calls on residents to honour the fallen soldiers and all civilians whose lives were cut short by the war during the national “Minute of Silence” at 9:00 am every day.

A minute of remembrance in Drohobych is announced from the city council tower.

However, some residents of the community can be observed ignoring the Minute of Remembrance and rushing about their own business.

Dear citizens of Drohobych, this is just a minute, a minute that requires each of you to pause, bow your head and say a prayer in memory of the brave sons and daughters of Ukraine whose lives were cut short by Russian aggression. At this time, there is nothing more important than prayer and remembrance. So bow your head in sorrow and remember that thanks to our soldiers we can wake up in our homes and walk under the peaceful sky. So do not be indifferent, at 9:00 am stop for a minute, put aside your thoughts and pray for the fallen Heroes and ask the angels for intercession for the soldiers who are fighting today,” Taras Kuchma once again called.


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