In the village Three people were bitten by a rabid dog in Bystrytsia, Drogobych region. A quarantine was introduced in the settlement and its 5-kilometer zone, it will be in effect for two months.
These days, the Lviv Regional State Laboratory conducted research and confirmed the presence of the rabies virus in a dog.
It was established that the eight-year-old dog bit three people and died after that.
Currently, all specialized services are taking the prescribed measures to prevent the spread of the disease. Disinfection was carried out at the place where the dogs died, as well as in the yard.
In addition, rabies is an acute infectious disease of animals and humans caused by the neurotropic rabies virus. In the absence of timely emergency vaccination, it is life-threatening.
Symptoms of rabies in animals depend on the stage of the disease:
1. Initial stage (lasts up to five days). Sick animals gnaw the bite site, have a weak appetite and eat inedible food, drooling and vomiting are observed. Affectionate, capricious and wary at the same time.
2. Excited stage (2-3 days). The behavior of sick animals changes, they become aggressive, excited, try to escape and attack people and animals. Food is changing – animals gnaw the ground and eat inedible things. Convulsions, paralysis and strabismus are observed.
3. Paralytic stage (2-4 days). Animals are exhausted, complete paralysis is observed, which leads to death.
Prevention of rabies is very important. For this you need:
1. Regularly vaccinate domestic animals against rabies.
2. Do not touch wild or homeless animals, do not feed them.
3. Beware of homeless and wild animals that are not afraid to approach you.
If an animal has bitten or drooled at you (especially a wild or stray animal):
1. See a doctor immediately,
2. If the animal is a pet, ask the owner to provide documents confirming its vaccinations.
3. Take a course of anti-rabies vaccinations, if prescribed by a doctor.