Given the weather conditions, tomorrow, February 23, work will be carried out on the streets of the city to eliminate acute emergency potholes with hot asphalt. According to Iryna Marunyak, the deputy mayor of Lviv for housing and communal services, two asphalt plants will be put into operation – in the Lychakiv and Zaliznychny districts.
“We carry out work on the elimination of emergency pits throughout the winter. However, when there is a sub-zero temperature, we repair acute emergency pits only with cold asphalt, because it is impossible to work with hot asphalt at sub-zero temperatures. Yes, last week we used 21 tons of cold asphalt.
However, even in winter, when there is positive temperature, we start asphalt plants to work with hot asphalt. Hot asphalt is more reliable and of better quality. Cold asphalt is a temporary measure to prevent the progression of potholes.
Therefore, tomorrow, taking into account the weather conditions (forecasting +6 degrees), we will start two asphalt plants – in the Lychakiv and Zaliznychny districts, and we will work on the elimination of emergency pits. The work technique is such that we first cut holes, tar the edges and only then fill with asphalt.
Special attention is now being paid to trunk roads and medium-class roads,” said Iryna Marunyak.
According to the deputy mayor, major road repairs will begin at the end of March – beginning of April under favorable weather conditions.