As of Monday, May 1, Lviv heat supply enterprises are starting hydraulic tests of heat networks. There will be no hot water during hydraulics. As Iryna Marunyak, deputy mayor of Lviv for housing and communal services, emphasizes, high-quality hydraulics allows you to quickly enter the heating season and quickly supply heat to the apartment.
“Why do we conduct hydraulics? Hydraulic testing affects the heating supply as we begin the heating season. That is, if we carry out the hydraulics well, then when the heating season begins, we quickly start heating all the houses and we do not have surges. The experience of past years shows that we manage to provide heating to all apartments in a day and a half.
Therefore, with the aim of quality preparation for the new heating season, from May 1, LMKP “Lvivteploenergo” and LKP “Zaliznychneteploenergo” will conduct hydraulic tests of the heating network. During hydraulics, we supply water with increased pressure to the heat network to see where there are defects and gusts. After that, the identified gusts and damage are eliminated,” says Iryna Marunyak.
It is planned that Lvivteploenergo will conduct hydraulic tests approximately until June 5, and Zaliznychneteploenergo – approximately until May 22.
“These terms are approximate, because everything will depend on the number of detected gusts and defects on the pipelines. If there are fewer of them, it will be possible to restore the supply of hot water faster. For example, last year during hydraulics we discovered 185 defects and 112 surges.
I would like to note that, first of all, we will hydrate the large main pipelines that go to TPP-1 and TPP-2, as well as networks that are on the balance sheet of Zaliznychneteploenergo. And in the second place – intra-district networks, from smaller boiler houses. Therefore, it will not be the case that all houses will be without hot water at once. Everything will be gradual,” the official added.
Thus, from May 1, the hydraulics of the heating networks from CHP-1 and the “North” shopping center will take place.
In connection with hydraulic tests, the supply of hot water will be stopped:
from May 1 – from CHP-1:
– to consumers of the Sykhiv residential area (Chervonaya Kalina Ave., Morozna, Sykhivska, Zubrivska, Monastyrskoho, Dovzhenka, Khutorivka, Chukarin, Khotkevich, Polubotka, Kavaleridze, Antonenko-Davydovych, Kolomiyska, Kos-Anatolski, Trilivska, Vernadski, Antonych, Dragan St. , Skrypnyka, Osvytska);
– to consumers on the street Stryyska, Bondarska, Skoryny, Hasheka, Lazarenko, Sakharova, Kulikivska, Yefremova, Gvardiyska, Lukasha, Morshinska, Kastelivka, Vitovskoho, Naukov, Volodymyr Veliky and the streets adjacent to them (Rubchak, Trolleybusna, Kn.Olga, Simonenko, Pulyuya, Boychuk, Kulparkivska and others);
– to consumers on the street Shafarik, J. Washington, Pasichna, Lysenytska, Chinese, Yaroshynska, Dniester, Rakovsky, Lypova Alley, Zelena.
– to consumers of the “Noviy Lviv” microdistrict (Chmoly, Ternopilska, Yaroslavenko, Myshugy, Tiverska, P. Myrny, Zaporizka, Heroiv Krut, Litovska, Litvinenko, Uhorska, Navrotskoho, Videnska (former Karbysheva), Kamianetska, Energetichna, Karmanskoho streets) ).
from May 1 – from the “North” shopping center:
– to consumers of the Shevchenkiv district on the following streets: Grinchenko, Chygyrynska, Midna, B. Khmelnytskyi, Mazepa, Mykolaichuk, Shchurat, J. Lennon, Plugov, Studinsky, Khvylovy, Lincoln, Tychyny, Lnyana, Instrumentalna, Zamarstinivska, P. Pancha, Varshavska, Yu Lypy, Chornovola avenue, Pidgolosko, Pluzhnyka, Masaryk, Okunevsky, Koshytsia, Sosyura, Lypinsky, Dzherelna, Sorochynsk.
The supply of hot water to consumers from CHP-1 and the “North” shopping center is planned to be restored approximately on June 5.
In turn, LKP “Zaliznychneteploenergo” informs that in connection with hydraulic tests of heat networks for density and strength, from May 1 until approximately May 22, hot water will not be supplied to houses at the following addresses:
– st. Vyhovsky, 72, str. Signivka, 3,5,7,9,11, st. Lyubinska, 150-164, st. Patona, 2-35, str. Poltava, 34, str. Ryashivska, 7,9,13,15,27, str. Krychevsky, 65 – from the boiler house on the street. Patona, 2a.
– st. Bashtanna, 1,3, str. Vyhovsky, 1-37, str. Hirnika, 1, str. Horodotska, 241-249, str. Golovatogo, 1-7, str. Karadzhicha, 13, 14, 14a, 16, 29a, b, c, str. Lyubinska, 94-104, st. Myslivska, 15, 27, 29, str. Yavornytskogo, 1a-11, str. Patona, 2/2; 2/3; 2/4; 2/5; 2/6; 2/7; 12 – from the boiler house on the street Karadzhicha, 11a.
– st. S. Petliury, 2-53, Lyubinska, 89-107, str. Vyhovsky, 39-65, str. Kulchytska, 1-16v, str. Kulparkivska, 128-142, str. Chuvashska, 29, str. Sadova, 27a – houses from the boiler house on the street. S. Petliury, 4a.
– st. Kulparkivska, 154-180, st. Vyhovsky, 67-89, str. Sadova, 7,9,13,15, str. S. Petliury, 34 – houses from the boiler house on the street. Kulparkivska, 95a.
– st. Roksolyani, 33, str. Shiroka, 64-100, st. Subotivska, 2 – houses from the boiler house on the street. Shiroka, 79a.
– st. Syaivo, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, str. Shiroka, 29, 75, 77, str. Benefits, 21, 36, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62, str. Angarna, 18, str. Planerna, 12, str. Dorobok, 48, str. Slastiona, 58, str. Nyynna, 52,