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Where to donate blood in Lviv – list of locations

On the eve of the World Blood Donor Day, doctors in Lviv once again call on people to share their blood with those in need.

Just one donation can save three lives. There is always a need for blood and its components, but now, during the war, this need has increased significantly and is constant.

“There has always been a need for donated blood to treat patients with serious illnesses or injuries. However, now, in times of war, this need has increased many times over, as our doctors are constantly treating patients with various injuries and mine-blast traumas. Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that donated blood saves lives, and with its help doctors save the lives of those who are sometimes on the verge of death. That’s why we urge people to come, register and donate blood,” says Yuriy Kobetsky, head of the Blood Centre of the First Medical Association of Lviv.

Any healthy person between the ages of 18 and 60 who has no medical or social contraindications can donate blood.

Donating blood is safe and even useful, doctors say. After all, it contributes to the body’s self-healing and the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

The human body contains, on average, about 5 litres of blood, and 450 ml is taken during the donation, and this is the so-called liquid part of the blood – plasma, which is restored within 18-20 hours. Experts advise women to donate blood 5 times a year, and men – 6 times a year.

Most often, whole blood is donated – it is taken from a vein in the arm. But you can also donate blood components, such as plasma or platelets.

You can donate blood in Lviv at the following addresses:

– The Blood Centre of the First Medical Association of Lviv (Mykolaychuk St., 9); contact phone number: 0 800 333 003;

– Lviv Regional Blood Service Centre (65 Pekarska St.), contact phone: 0322756405;

Mobile Blood Centre (changes location every time for the convenience of residents). This time – on 14 June, it will be at 1 Rynok Square, from 09:00 to 12:00, you can register and choose a convenient time for yourself by following the link;


Who can be a donor and what are the contraindications

Any legally capable Ukrainian over the age of 18 can become a donor. Your weight should be at least 50 kg – otherwise, blood donation can be dangerous for your health.
To become a donor, you must undergo an appropriate medical examination in a medical institution before donating blood and you must not have any contraindications determined by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

Absolute contraindications for donating blood and its components

Regardless of the duration of the disease and the results of treatment, people with the following contraindications cannot be blood donors.

Infectious and parasitic diseases

AIDS, HIV carriage, congenital or acquired syphilis, viral hepatitis, positive test results for viral hepatitis markers, all forms of tuberculosis, brucellosis, typhoid, tularemia, leprosy, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, echinococcosis, toxoplasmosis, filariasis, rishta, leishmaniasis.

Somatic diseases

Temporary contraindications for donating blood and its components

If you have any diseases that are not included in this list, please inform your doctor – the issue of admission to donation is decided by the doctor of the blood transfusion facility or a relevant specialist.Taking blood and/or its components from a donor is allowed only if the donor’s health is not harmed.

List of contraindications to donation Elimination of donation for
Transfusions of blood components (except for burn convalescents and persons immunised to Rh factor) 1 year
Pregnancy and lactation period 1 year after childbirth and at least 3 months after the end of lactation
Surgeries, including abortions (a certificate of the nature and date of the operation from a medical institution or an extract from an outpatient record is required) 1 year after surgery
Tattooing, ear piercing, piercing, acupuncture treatment 1 year from the end of the procedure
Staying on foreign business trips lasting more than 2 months 6 months
Staying in malaria-endemic countries of tropical and subtropical climates (Africa, Asia, South and Central America) for more than 3 months. 3 years
Contact with patients with hepatitis A 3 months
Contact with patients with hepatitis B, C 1 year
Past infectious diseases (not listed in the section “Absolute contraindications”):
– malaria 3 years
– typhoid fever 1 year
– sore throat, flu, acute respiratory viral disease (after recovery) 1 month
– other infectious diseases 6 months
Acute or chronic inflammatory processes in the acute stage (regardless of their localisation), body temperature above 37°C 1 month after the end of the acute period
Allergic diseases 2 months after the end of the acute period
Tooth extraction 10 days
Vaccination against:
– killed and recombinant vaccines (tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis, hepatitis B, influenza, cholera, typhoid and paratyphoid), anatoxins 10 days
– live vaccines (BCG, smallpox, tetanus, polio, brucellosis, plague, tularemia), administration of tetanus serum 1 month.
– rabies, administration of immunoglobulin against hepatitis B 1 year
– Mantoux reaction 14 days
Medicinal course of treatment 14 days after the end of the course
Period of menstruation at least 5 days after the end of the
Alcohol consumption 48 hours

How to prepare for blood donation

Preparing to donate blood is not difficult. To protect your health and the health of the person who will need your blood, follow a few rules.

What to do before donating blood

What to do when donating blood

During the pre-donation examination by a doctor, answer questions frankly and do not conceal information about the use of medicines, alcohol, drugs and past illnesses. When donating blood, tell the staff if you feel unwell. Be sure to inform your doctor about any complications during the donation.

What to do after donating blood

Men are recommended to donate blood no more than 5 times a year, women – 4 times a year.

If you feel dizzy, seek medical attention. The easiest way to help yourself is to lie down and raise your legs above your head or sit down and put your head between your knees. Do not attempt to walk or drive immediately if you feel dizzy.

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