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Lviv neurosurgeons removed a five-centimeter brain tumor through the nose

It was done by neurosurgeons of the Saint Panteleimon Hospital in Lviv. The operative intervention lasted only an hour, and on the third day after it, the 55-year-old resident of Lviv region already went home.

For almost ten years, he lived with a brain tumor and hoped that the tumor would disappear on its own. He came to the doctors only when he was almost blind. Neurosurgeons of the Saint Panteleimon Hospital removed a five-centimeter brain tumor through the patient’s nose. Now he can see again.

55-year-old Andriy Marek – from Drohobytsky District of Lviv Oblast. Nine years ago, he was diagnosed with pituitary adenoma, a benign tumor of the main endocrine gland that produces hormones that regulate the activity of other glands in the body.

Then the man refused surgery and decided to be treated with medication. Therefore, he took hormone therapy and believed that one day the tumor would stop growing or disappear and not affect his life.

But a few months ago, the husband’s condition worsened sharply. In just one month, he almost completely lost his sight, his memory deteriorated significantly, and there was a constant feeling of nausea. It only got worse. Therefore, he turned to the specialists of the St. Panteleimon Hospital.

According to the results of the MRI, neurosurgeons discovered a large tumor of 5 cm in size, which was pressing on the nerves, including the optic chiasm. Therefore, the doctors decided to perform an endoscopic transsphenoidal removal of the tumor – through the nose using an endoscope.

The complexity of the operation lay in the anatomical features of the location of the gland. The internal carotid arteries are located on both sides of the tumor, and the optic nerves are closely adjacent to it from above. And the chosen method of surgical treatment provides high visual control and is less traumatic for the patient compared to open surgery.

The operation lasted only an hour. And within a few hours, the man felt a significant improvement in his well-being and the return of his vision. He went home on the third day after intervention.

We thank our doctors Yaroslav Dizhak, Roman Ilchyshyn and Dmytro Shchybovyk. We wish the patient good health! And we urge our readers not to neglect their health and seek help from specialists in a timely manner.

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