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Doctors of the Lviv Perinatal Center discharged prematurely born triplets

Solomiya, Zlata and Marko were born at 31 weeks of pregnancy, each weighing less than one and a half kilograms. With the joint efforts of doctors and mothers, the babies gained weight and are already at home today.

The Lviv Regional Clinical Perinatal Center treated triplets that were born prematurely.

Solomiya, Zlata and Marko were born at 31 weeks of pregnancy. The hospital was informed. The babies weighed less than one and a half kilograms each.

The triplets spent the first two weeks in the department of anesthesiology and neonatal intensive care. Then they were transferred to the department of post-intensive care of newborns and the discharge of premature babies. From the age of 28, the children were already living together with their mother, and began to actively gain weight.

“During their stay in the perinatal center, the children underwent hearing screening, ultrasound and other planned examinations and consultations. On the 37th day of life, the babies were discharged home together with their mother. The children’s weight at discharge was 2150g, 2150g and 2380g,” the doctors added.

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