The boy has already been discharged from the hospital, he actively moves the affected arm, there is no impairment of its function.
Demyan suffered an elbow injury. At that time, the family was abroad, doctors applied a plaster bandage, but after some time the plaster rubbed the skin and an abscess of soft tissues formed in the area of the injury. He was opened on an outpatient basis and prescribed an antibiotic in syrup.
Subsequently, for several months, the child periodically complained of pain in the left shoulder, a slight increase in temperature appeared, so the parents turned to “Okhmatdyt”. After the examination, the child was diagnosed with osteomyelitis of the left humerus and immediately underwent surgery.
During the operation, surgeons discovered a large pathological bone cavity in the lower third of the shoulder, filled with thick pus. The intervention was successful. The boy has already been discharged from the hospital, he actively moves the affected arm, there is no impairment of its function. The child is under the observation of surgeons.
There is no clear reason why osteomyelitis occurs in one child and not in another. But trauma or the presence of sources of infection (abscess, abscess, infected wounds) is always a provoking factor, emphasize the doctors of Okhmatdyt.
Also, osteomyelitis is “tricky” in that its signs on X-ray images do not appear immediately, but only after 2-3 weeks. Therefore, with a not pronounced clinical picture, without a careful assessment of all manifestations of the disease, the correct diagnosis is often established late, when there are already significant destructive changes in the bones.