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Temporary housing will be built in Lviv for wounded servicemen and their families undergoing rehabilitation at the Unbroken center

In Lviv, 8 social campuses will be built on Mykolaichuka Street, where people in need of rehabilitation and who are forced migrants will live. In total, 700 people will be able to temporarily live here. Military personnel and their families will live in the campuses. They will undergo the next stage of rehabilitation and will have the opportunity to socialize, find a job, and recover from what they experienced.

The goal of the project “Construction of residential buildings for the accommodation of IDPs in the city of Lviv” is to provide military personnel who were physically affected by the war and lost their homes with temporary housing through the construction of new buildings or the restoration of damaged municipal facilities in Lviv using the latest technologies according to European standards.

The project is implemented by the city and financed by the European Union in Ukraine with the support of Nefco in Ukraine, which acts as the program manager of the project “Housing for Internally Displaced Persons and Reconstruction of Liberated Cities in Ukraine”.

“Currently active work with NEFKO technical experts is underway. We coordinate the documentation, discuss the details of the arrangement of the adjacent territory, and also constantly inform the residents who live nearby about the construction.

It is expected that at the beginning of October, the general contractor will be chosen and announced – the company that will be engaged in the construction of houses”, – noted Yurii Telipskyi, head of LKP “Lviv Intercity Bureau of Technical Inventory”.

The program, financed by the EU and implemented by the city under the management of NEFCO, will allow the victims and families of wounded servicemen to get new safe houses to live in for up to a year, until they adapt to new living conditions.

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