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Famous reconstructive surgeons from the Czech Republic operated on 12 and examined 30 patients in Lviv

Top reconstructive and plastic surgeons from the Czech Republic have once again visited the First Medical Association of Lviv with a mission. Over the course of a week, they worked side by side with Lviv doctors to conduct 30 consultations and operate on 12 patients with complex soft tissue injuries of the body and head.

These are unique interventions using microsurgical techniques and modern reconstructive technologies. Two operations were particularly complex and lasted more than 10 hours.

This is the third visit of leading specialists from the University Clinic in Brno, Czech Republic. The purpose of this mission is to help the largest burn institution in the western regions of Ukraine, the Center for Thermal Trauma and Plastic Surgery of the First Medical Association of Lviv, to introduce new modern methods of reconstructive surgery.

According to doctors, statistics on mortality due to burn injuries in Ukraine are extremely disappointing. Only 20% of patients with burns over 50% of the body survive. The most serious patients are stabilized and sent abroad for further treatment. That is why the Lviv First Medical Association is making every effort to be able to save Ukrainians in Ukraine, training specialists and creating proper conditions for burn patients.

“We are the largest institution in the western regions of Ukraine that deals with burn injuries. Today we have many patients with severe injuries. We are studying because we want these people to be able to get help in their home country,” says Halyna Sayan, head of the Center for Thermal Trauma and Plastic Surgery at the First Medical Association of Lviv.

The visit of specialists from Brno to Lviv was part of the Medevac program. This is a special governmental humanitarian mission of the Czech Ministry of the Interior.

By the way, Mark Dyrzhka, a leading spinal surgeon from the United States, is now helping specialists at St. Nicholas Children’s Hospital of the First Medical Association of Lviv to treat children with spinal defects. Read more about his visit here.

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