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Врятували п’ятьох: у Львові одразу п’ятьом людям пересадили органи від посмертного донора

Lungs, a heart, two kidneys and a liver from a posthumous donor were transplanted at the First Medical Association of Lviv the other day. Thus, it was possible to save five more people, giving them a chance for a full life.

The donor was a 54-year-old man, a resident of Lviv Oblast, who suffered a stroke. Doctors declared brain death, so the man’s relatives agreed to donate his organs to save other people. The doctors are sincerely grateful to the donor’s family for their decision.

Lungs were transplanted for the first time in Ukraine without the help of foreign colleagues to 56-year-old Oleksiy from Kyiv, a liquidator of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, who is raising an 8-year-old son. The operation was successful.

“Our team performed the historic operation. The operation lasted 16 hours, the lungs were transplanted through a miniaccess and without the use of an artificial blood circulation device. It became the second lung transplant from a posthumous donor in Ukraine. Our doctors did the previous one together with the Poles in September 2021. The patient feels great,” the First TMO notes.

48-year-old Oleksandr from Transcarpathia received the donor heart. His heart could not pump blood because of the disease, so without a donor organ he had no chance of life.

The liver was transplanted to another resident of Transcarpathia, 50-year-old Valery. He had cirrhosis caused by the hepatitis C virus.

Kidneys were given to 47-year-old Ivan from Transcarpathia and 44-year-old Lyubov from Prykarpattia. Both suffered from chronic glomerulonephritis.

We will remind you that last year a record number of transplants were performed in Lviv, saving almost a hundred Ukrainians in Ukraine. Medical teams of the First Medical Association transplanted 7 hearts, 12 livers and 78 kidneys: of them, three kidneys and one liver were given to children.

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