Листи до редакції

Vasyl Mandryk, a beekeeper from Kupichvola, handed over 500 kilograms of honey to the Ukrainian defenders since the beginning of the full-scale war

He delivered honey for the Defenders from Derevna and Zhovkva. He repeatedly brought a lot of honey to the Veliko Mostov humanitarian headquarters, from where these goodies were sent to our Defenders in various directions of forward positions. Tea with this healthy honey warmed our soldiers, added strength, health and stamina in battle.

Mr. Vasyl moved to Kupichvolya from Chervonograd in 2014. Since then, he has been beekeeping, now his apiary has 80 beehives.

In the village, Mr. Vasyl is called “Uncle Honey”, everyone knows and respects him, because he always responds to requests for help.

The head of the village, Iryna Yaremko, says that Mr. Vasyl helps a lot with mowing the grass, because he has a powerful brushcutter, so he willingly responds to requests to mow the grass at the local cemetery or playground.

The man loves his work, because he works in nature. Especially since this year was successful for both bees and beekeepers.

The fact that Mr. Vasyl shares his honey with our Defenders is very symbolic, as bees resemble our armed forces: weather or bad weather, morning or evening, sun or rain – they work.

Honey for the Armed Forces is a thank you to the soldiers for the opportunity to live and work on their native land.

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