Enterprises of Lviv region can receive financial support from the regional budget, including relocated ones
The region has a Business Support Program, developed by the Lviv OVA for martial law. Stepan Kuybida, Head of the Economic Policy Department of the Lviv OVA, spoke about the possibilities of the Support Program during the briefing at the Ukraine Media Center Lviv.
The program can be used by enterprises relocated from other regions of Ukraine, as well as enterprises that worked in the region before the war.
It works through three instruments: non-repayable financial assistance to relocated manufacturing companies, voucher support for marketing services or certification services, non-refundable financial assistance for the purchase of equipment in certain industries.
Thus, non-refundable financial assistance to relocated industrial enterprises amounts to UAH 100,000, provided that the enterprise is re-registered in the Lviv region. The company will also receive an additional UAH 100,000 if it creates at least 20 new jobs.
Voucher support is provided to support micro and small businesses, as well as exporters of Lviv region during martial law.
The first is financial assistance for marketing vouchers.
“Realizing that one of the main issues today is product sales, we offered voucher support of up to UAH 50,000 for marketing activities so that companies can actively communicate with new and existing markets, as well as effectively ensure this sales,” – told Stepan Kuybida.
Secondly, it is financial assistance for product certification vouchers.
“Lviv region is an export-oriented region and with the understanding that the country’s consumer market is failing, we need to conquer new markets. Yes, today both the European Union and our other partners are quite open to communicating with Ukraine in the field of trade. But to enter these markets, you need to meet certain requirements, to pass the so-called certification and standardization. Therefore, we offered entrepreneurs the opportunity to receive up to 80 thousand UAH in order to be able to carry out certification activities, “said the head of the department.
According to Stepan Kuybida, today the manufacturer should take care of the quality, efficiency and speed of the production process, and such things as marketing and certification should be transferred to the appropriate organizations. And here the region is ready to help entrepreneurs.
It should be added that the share of own costs of economic entities for the provision of services must be at least 30% of the total costs.
The third task of the Program is to support enterprises of Lviv region. Such enterprises are also provided with non-refundable financial assistance in the amount of not more than UAH 500,000 for the purchase of equipment.
“Realizing that there is a certain depreciation of fixed assets, equipment in the same relocated enterprises could suffer, or in order to develop new markets need new equipment, we offered support up to half a million hryvnia for the purchase,” said Stepan Kuybida.
Only enterprises in the food, light and machine-building industries will be able to receive such support. Condition – to create at least 5 jobs.
It will be recalled that the obligatory requirement for participation in the program is the registration of an enterprise in the territory of Lviv region.
According to the Department of Economic Policy of the Lviv OVA, to date, 7 relocated companies have applied for participation in the program. These are manufacturers of various types of products.
27 enterprises of the region submitted documents for the third task of the program, namely the purchase of equipment.
In addition, 16 service companies submitted applications for retraining within the program. Later, the business of Lviv region can apply to them for commercial proposals.
“The mechanism is as follows – the business appeals to pre-qualified companies, they provide commercial proposals for the participation of business in Lviv region in voucher support,” – explained in the department.
We remind you that documents for relocated enterprises and for the purchase of equipment are still accepted. They must be submitted to the Department of Economic Policy. Contact phone: 299 92 79.