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The Lviv College restores computer equipment for the Armed Forces of Ukraine

At the request of the military, specialists of the Lviv Higher Vocational School of Information and Computer Technologies, together with students who master working on digital devices, have been repairing, preparing and debugging computer equipment for the Armed Forces of Ukraine for six months.

During this period, the military received about 70 updated devices from the school, which are used for complex and successful countermeasures against the enemy. For this, the educational institution enlists the benevolent help of various individuals who provide the missing parts to restore the computers. Since the work on repairing computers does not stop, the employees of the school will be grateful to everyone who will support their charitable work, especially with spare parts.

We would like to add that from the first days of the war until now, the educational institution has taken care of internally displaced persons, providing them with housing, food, clothing, household appliances and hygiene products.

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