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The IX All-Ukrainian Forum of Local Self-Government started in Lviv

Today, September 22, the IX All-Ukrainian Forum of Local Self-Government is being held in Lviv, which this year became a platform for discussing the challenges and prospects for the development of cities and towns in Ukraine during the war.

The forum started with a panel discussion on the topic “Strategy and powers of cities during the war”. In particular, the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Ruslan Stefanchuk took part in it; Oleksiy Chernyshov, Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine (online); Deputy Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Kyrylo Tymoshenko; People’s Deputy of Ukraine of the 10th convocation, Chairman of the subcommittee of the VRU Committee on the Organization of State Power, Local Self-Government, Regional Development and Urban Planning, Vitaly Bezgin; Mykolaiv City Mayor Oleksandr Sienkovych; Zhytomyr City Mayor Serhiy Sukhomlyn and Lviv OVA Chairman Maksym Kozytskyi. Lviv Mayor Andriy Sadovy moderated the discussion.

“Today we have the opportunity to be at the Local Self-Government Forum. This is very important so that we can all “check our clocks” and make the right plans for the future. Moreover, now it is necessary to do everything very quickly and qualitatively. As a representative of the parliament, I want to assure you that we are ready for all initiatives and will support them in every way. This is very important for us, because the power of our state is manifested not only at the front, but also in territorial communities. We are ready to do everything to have a strong rear, a strong front and a strong Ukraine,” said Ruslan Stefanchuk, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

One of the founders of the Local Self-Government Forum, Oleksandr Kobzarev, director of the Institute of the City, who currently defends our country in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, gave an introductory speech in online format.

Defender Mykhailo Yurchuk, who lost his limbs in the war while defending our country, and recently received the first bionic prosthetics at the NEZLAMNI National Rehabilitation Center, also spoke.

Thus, within the framework of the first panel discussion, the issues of European integration, decentralization and formation of the state budget for the next year have already been discussed. They also announced the creation of the Fund for the Restoration of Ukraine, which will cover the collection of funds for the restoration of infrastructure facilities. Its action will be monitored by donor countries and international organizations helping our country.

“This morning in the country started with good news. Our main task is that we have more and more such good news, both in small communities, in the regions, and in the state in general. We are all working to win, so we have put aside all party flags, regional competitions or bureaucracy. We are all one country, regardless of who works and where. It is this, the unity of all Ukrainians, that helps us in this war,” said Kyrylo Tymoshenko, deputy head of the Office of the President of Ukraine.

Therefore, the mayor of Lviv, Andriy Sadovy, thanked all those present for their participation and noted that a resolution will be drawn up based on the results of the forum, which will be sent to the central authorities.

“In times of war, our first step is to expel the enemy from our land, and the second step is to rebuild our country. This can only be done when we are together: the Verkhovna Rada, the Cabinet of Ministers, the President’s Office, all the heads of all communities. The fact that we met here today is a great victory. Many communities did not communicate with each other in this way before. Everyone who came to Lviv today gave an impetus to this forum with their presence,” emphasized Andriy Sadovyi, the mayor of Lviv.

The event takes place in a mixed format (online and offline). The online broadcast takes place on the YouTube and Facebook pages of KU Institute of the City.

The organizers of the CU forum are the Institute of the City and the Lviv City Council.

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