On January 11, at the age of 71, Adam Khlopek died – head of the Union of Polonist Teachers in Ukraine, teacher and popularizer of Polish education and culture, Knight of the Commander’s Cross of the Order of the Revival of Poland, awarded the “For Services to the City of Drohobych” award.
The All-Ukrainian Coordination and Methodological Center for the Study of the Polish Language and Culture in Drohobych reported the irreparable loss.
Adam Hlopek devoted his entire life to the development of Polish education in Ukraine, the cultural development of Drogobych region, the preservation of the national and historical memory of his small homeland, and the nurturing of Polish-Ukrainian friendship. Among his countless educational achievements is the founding of the Polish Saturday School of St. Queen Jadwiga in Drohobych, and later, based on its model, a whole network of Saturday schools in Ukraine, the creation of the public organization “Union of Polonist Teachers in Ukraine” and its branches in other regions, the foundation of the All-Ukrainian Coordination – methodical center for the study of Polish language and culture in Drohobych.
Adam Khlopek was also a member of the board of the Federation of Polish Organizations in Ukraine, a member of the Council of Representatives of Public Associations of Indigenous Peoples, National Minorities of Ukraine at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, head of the Drogobytsk branch of the Institute for Modernization of Education Content of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
Thanks to his efforts, the building in Drohobych was renovated, which now houses the All-Ukrainian Coordination and Methodological Center for the Study of the Polish Language and Culture.
Adam Hlopek is the author of many publications about the Polish language, Polish education in Ukraine and the history of Drogobych region.
He was a great supporter of the return to Catholics of the churches seized by the communist authorities. Contributed to the restoration of many Roman Catholic churches. He especially cared about the old cemetery on Truskavetsky Street in Drohobych. Contributed to the arrangement of the cemetery, restoration of many valuable tombstones, inventory and creation of the pantheon of great Poles in one of the chapels. And also selflessly engaged in philanthropy.