Public discussions are conducted by the executive committee of the Chervonograd City Council.
The issue brought up for discussion is to study the opinion of the public regarding options for a new name for the city of Chervonograd.
Variants of a new name for the city, from among those proposed by the public as part of the discussion, should be collected and worked out by a working group and submitted to the deputies of the Chervonograd City Council for consideration.
The decision of the Chervonograd City Council “On conducting consultations with the public regarding the renaming of the city of Chervonograd” is posted on the official website of the Chervonograd City Council at the link https://www.chg.gov.ua/Rishennia-sesii/st-3147
The consequence of implementing this decision is the implementation of the Law of Ukraine “On Condemnation and Prohibition of Propaganda of Russian Imperial Policy in Ukraine and Decolonization of Toponymy”.
Information about the place and time of public events, the procedure for discussion, registration of participants will be published on the official resources of the Chervonograd City Council at least 10 days before the event.
Participation of community representatives and interested parties takes place by submitting proposals. Proposals and comments of the participants of the public public discussion are submitted orally and in writing during public events and in writing to the postal and electronic addresses indicated in the information notice on the holding of the public public discussion.
During the events held as part of the public public discussion, a protocol is kept, in which the proposals and comments expressed orally are recorded.
Proposals and comments of the participants of electronic consultations with the public regarding the renaming of the city of Chervonograd are submitted in writing to the email address specified in the information notice on conducting electronic consultations with the public.
Institutes of civil society, scientific and expert organizations, other legal entities, when submitting proposals and comments in writing, indicate their name and location.
Anonymous proposals are not registered and are not considered.
Postal and e-mail addresses for submission of written proposals and comments – Shevchenko, 19 info@chg.gov.ua
The address and phone number for providing consultations on the matter submitted for public public discussion is: str. Shevchenko, 19 phone +38096 969 81 10.
The responsible person of the executive body is Taras Viktorovych Tyrko, deputy mayor for the activities of executive bodies of the council
Summarizing the results of the Consultations no longer than 10 (ten) working days after their completion and making the results public.